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INT 33h,  09h (9)        Set Graphics Cursor Block

    Defines the shape, color, and center of the graphics cursor.

       On entry:      AX         09h
                      BX         Horizontal Cursor Hot Spot
                      CX         Vertical Cursor Hot Spot
                      ES:DX      Pointer to Screen and Cursor Masks

       Returns:       Nothing


    Function 9 defines the shape, color, and center of the graphics cursor
    (the cursor used when the computer is in graphics mode).

    This function uses the values found in the screen mask and cursor mask
    to build the cursor shape and color.

    To pass the screen mask and color masks, assign their values to two
    contiguous arrays and pass the address of the first array in ES:DX.

    The cursor hot spot values must define one pixel within the cursor.
    The values must be within the range -16 to 16.

See Also: INT 33h, 0Ah Cursors
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson